FIT Kits

Patient Packs for Faecal Immunochemical Tests

A FIT Service Designed for Patients

Whether you are using FIT to assess patients in a screening programme, or investigating symptomatic patients, the entire start-to-finish process requires specialist consideration. Alpha Laboratories can provide a range of products and FIT services to help you develop your programme, tailored to your specific requirements. Our Bowel Cancer Specialists are on hand to help you create the ideal solution to support your patient pathway.

Customised FIT Kit Patient Packs

Alpha Laboratories' designers can create specific FIT instructions for use (IFU) tailored to your testing service. A localised design can better reach your range of demographics, simplify returns and improve uptake of the test. Customising your IFU will ensure you engage with your target audience more effectively, leading to an increased participation rate and less waste.

These can be combined with the FIT sampling device into a complete patient pack with any combination of FIT request form, further patient information leaflets,  stool collection aid (Fe-Col®), return envelopes, feedback forms etc.

Depending on where your samples are being sent (GP practice, testing lab, central processing hub) you may require an innovative packaging solution. Whether your patient samples are sent via the postal service, dropped off at a local GP or clinic, or sent to a main hospital, we can provide a range of solutions to make it simpler for all parties involved.


Faecal sample collection by patients is still novel, compared to other sample collection methods such as for blood tests and patients are often reluctant to handle faecal samples.

A solution must, therefore, have a patient-centred approach to encourage sample collection and return, while ensuring good quality samples for analysis.

The answer lies in the provision of bespoke patient literature and sample return packs to make the process more acceptable and efficient.

Trust and Health Board specific leaflets with local phone numbers, QR-codes, barcodes, and clear visuals, with non-clinical instructional text, provide much needed support to FIT pathways which, in turn, aids the management of endoscopy waiting lists. The bespoke leaflets result in noticeable increases in return rates, and the quality of samples received by laboratories are also much improved.


  • Ensures the laboratory receives the best quality samples, by providing the patient with the right tools and information to collect their sample correctly.

  • Customised components bespoke to your service

  • Clear instructions for patients with visual guides

  • Aids understanding and removes 'fear factor'

  • Better test return rates

  • Helps ensure a quality sample that is not contaminated

  • Tailored to your sample return model

The Alpha Portal

The impact of the Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) on the colorectal cancer referral pathway is well documented. Having a quick and easy-to-use test, that can be directly loaded onto the automated testing platform in the laboratory makes it an ideal solution for triaging the two-week-wait pathway. However, the benefit of FIT has been tempered by the additional workload faced in logistics and sample distribution.

Laboratories and service providers are having to work tirelessly to distribute kits to GPs, Clinics, and Patients, and demand is beginning to outstrip capacity. With that in mind, Alpha Laboratories has worked in conjunction with laboratories to bring you the next phase of FIT evolution that will help ease the logistics burden: The Alpha Portal (TAP).

The Alpha Portal offers:

  • A snap-shot of FIT-Kit stock levels, lot and expiry dates

  • Document proofs and print-ready versions of the kit components,

  • Comprehensive product descriptions for each component,

  • A traceable ordering system which allows sites to deliver kits to any UK location,

  • Order reporting: run reports to highlight demand at each site, and ordering frequency.

TAP offers a new perspective on the distribution of sample kits: whether it’s for issuing direct-to-patient, or for larger orders going to GPs or Clinics. It gives the user greater control over the logistics associated with FIT, and facilitates a traceable, efficient, and manageable solution which can be scaled up and down as required.

Contact us
to discuss your FIT Kit needs

Visit the dedicated Faecal Immunochemical Test website